Drivers for Linux For the Samsung Chromebook drivers are available here. With these drivers, redistribution is not permitted and other limitations apply to limit their use to private development only. Information is subject to change. Sorry, your browser is not supported. Currently it is unknown if OpenCL-drivers will be delivered, and there is no mention of it on their site.
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You can send an enquiry at http: Working boards using OpenCL on display click on image to see the Twitter-status: The current state is that their OpenCL drivers are sometimes working, most times not — we are very sorry for that and try to find fixes. In order to implement renderscript as part of the Mali binary driver a full complete set arndalw OpenCL symbols can be found within the Mali driver for Arndale. Drivers for Linux For the Samsung Chromebook drivers are available here.

Mali GPU User-Space Binary Drivers

About Samsung Electronics Co. Currently it is unknown if OpenCL-drivers will be delivered, but as chances are high I already put it here. By providing broad access to solutions based on the latest ARM technology on a single platform, Samsung will enable the next generation of engaging applications.

Accept and hide this message. The HiKey board is part of the 96Boards project.

If you are not happy with the use of these cookies, please review our Cookie Policy to learn how they can be disabled. A new and more permissive version was introduced in January and all Midgard user-space drivers starting with r6p0 are now distributed under the new terms. For more information, please visit www. Currently it is unknown if OpenCL-drivers will be delivered, and there is no mention of it on their site.

You can order at http: OpenCL-drivers have been found pre-installed on this tablet, so with some tinkering you can run openCL rightaway. The SDK can be downloaded here. At the moment, all pocl internal tests pass successfully on ARM chromebook for pocl For the following boards let's consider what is available: More information can be found on the wiki and forum. For Arndale these drivers should work too not tested yetif you use the kernel-drivers of the same version.

Here are a few characteristics: The current version of OpenCL is 1. For more information and to order, go to http: For the Samsung Chromebook drivers are available here.

Over the next few months we will be adding more developer resources and documentation for all the products and technologies that ARM provides. There are vague solutions, to be found on the forums. Information is subject to change.

With some creativity you can find ways to order this tablet into countries not selected by Google. The gem5 simulator is a modular ardnale for computer-system architecture research, encompassing system-level architecture as well as processor microarchitecture.

You will need to read and accept the terms of the EULA prior to downloading these drivers. Important Information for the Arm website. Cheap alternatives can be found here.

WorkingGroups/Middleware/Graphics/Docs/OpenCLExperiences - Linaro Wiki

Software available for the Arndale can be found here — drivers including graphics drivers with OpenCL-support are here. Technical documentation is available oepncl a PDF Download. For an overview of extensions, go to:
